Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Team Crabbe and Oliver nearly out for the season

Good evening again,

As you can see from the startling blog heading above there has been some turmoil in our camp.
On my way to work this morning (Yes work it is not all golf and sprintcars you know) I got a call from my neighbour at our units where we store our race cars saying we had been broken into and both unit doors were ajar, my heart sunk as I thought about new motors and Titanium that would have been stolen, a quick phone call to Janette and she was on her way to check out the scene, luckily we had had nothing removed from the units, a nearby unit had some alcohol taken and that was it, a quick trip to a lock shop was organised and some special roller door locks were purchased and installed.
The Crabbe chassis is ready for collection ahead of time and should be sitting on the stands by Thursday evening, things must be coming good as it is 2 days ahead of schedule, we will not start putting the car together until the weekend of the 3rd of October, hoping to have the car ready for sign writing on 12th October, Jason from JRH signs will have a lot of work to do that week.
Team Oliver has gotten a new striping scheme done for his car and it is looking a bit tricker than that all over white paint scheme he was running last year. The car also has the old team Crabbe motor in and is ready to fire up, at least one car is all but ready to go.
Gavin and Norbert called in on Saturday to check out the progress of our team, I was showing them the new shiny bits and a special set of bolts was missing, first I thought they were tricking me and had hidden them, but alas no, the bolts must have gone walkabout between my kitchen the day before and arriving at the storage units, if anyone picks them up they will wonder why they weigh nothing.
Glen has come up with a new name for me, Ti Man, he tells me he is going to have a characterture of me done up as a bolt, I still struggle to understand why the new car from last year with all the lightweight parts weighs more than the original car I had, Pino Priolo and Chris Pallentine must have had some serious light weight components in that car, it still only just weighs in at correct weight, Glen may be in trouble as the extractors that come with my old engine weigh about 20lbs less than his originals.

Gavin is in his shed working on his seat fitment, he has to then get the chassis painted and then start the assembly.
Todd is a little more advanced and has his chassis powder coated and ready to start the assembly process.
Watto is keeping quiet on his progress, I think he has a new motor that is making ssome serious horsepower.
Dhuy is busy getting a new fish shop ready so I have not bugged him for any updates but I would think he is going to make Ellenbrook as there is no way he is going to let Watto and I get a meeting in front of him this year, the Huey (Watto), Dhuy (No identification needed) and Lewi (Me) show will be intense this year, no beg pardons just good hard racing, we are also known as the 3 Amigos.

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