Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who is ready to race?

Well we're ready we spent the last few days getting the car back together and are now just waiting for October.
Heard that Todd Davis has a nice new Eagle and associated shiney bits for this season.
Haven't seen Gavins new truck yet but it sounds like it will be very nice.
There are a few cars i have heard of that are still bare chassis so there is quite a bit of work to come for some guys.
On another note if there are guys that need their cars scrutineered in Perth or surrounds to get their log book contact me and i will come and have a look at it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

LSA Calendar

The updated calendar is now online on the LSA website as is the latest newsletter.

Expressions of interest are also being sought for a 'State Title Practice Night - Friday 25 November' at Manjimup. A minimum of 8 cars required, a great opportunity to get set for the 'Big Night'. Advise Martin if you are interested - mlaughton@amnet.net.au

I'll be there!

Also, could all drivers please update their driver profile.
